Sunday, December 2, 2007

Meet Israeli Soldiers: Protecting Us While We Sleep

We sleep soundly at night because these brave men and women are ready to sacrifice everything to assure our safety!

Who are they? Where do they come from? Why are they so selfless and why don't they have any fear?

Come to Israel for FREE with Sachlav on Birthright Israel and for 5 days out of your 10 day trip, Israeli soldiers from the best units will accompany you, will talk and travel with you, and will make friends with you.

These incredible people, who would normally be studying in College, instead devote their lives to protecting the Jewish Nation.

Come and say "Thank you!"

To Enroll for Summer 2008, just go to our website at:

and click on "Enroll for Summer 2008 Trip" and we'll be in touch with you!
See you in Israel for Birthright SUMMER 2008!